Title Register
Reference LR1
The Title Register is one of the two main title documents (the Title Plan being the other) of a property and is often referred to as the Title Deed.
Information disclosed by the Title Register:
- Property ownership details, including the name and address of the registered owner(s).
- A description of the property.
- Details of restrictive covenants and other restrictions; restrictions can have a significant impact on the use and value of a property or land.
- When repair and maintenance obligations for boundary structures, such as fences and walls, are specifically referred to within the registered deeds, they are often referred to within the Register and indicated on the Title Plan by coloured markings and T markings.
- Date of purchase and price paid/value stated for any property that has been sold since April 2000.
- Information relating to easements, such as rights of access, rights to park and drainage rights.
- Registered mortgages and charges affecting the title, including the name and address of the lender (such as a bank or building society).
- Details of filed documents, such as Transfers, Leases, Deeds, Agreements and Conveyances – with dates and names of parties involved.
- Title Number.
- Tenure, i.e Freehold or Leasehold.
- N.B. As the Register and Title Plan are unique to each property, the nature and amount of information contained within them will vary.
To obtain an official copy of the Register, click on the link below and complete the order form.