Title Registers and Title Plans are the two main title documents of land and property, and are often called the Title Deeds. An official copy of a Title Plan shows the position of the official boundaries and the extent/area of ownership.
An official copy of a Title Plan contains the following information:
- Shows the position of the official boundaries.
- Shows the extent/area of ownership.
- An outline of the property and its surroundings.
- Repair and maintenance responsibilities for boundary structures, such as fences and walls, referred to in the Title Register are indicated on the Title Plan by coloured markings and T markings.
- Rights/easements (e.g. rights of access, parking rights and drainage rights) and restrictions/restrictive covenants referred to in the Title Register are often indicated on the Title Plan by coloured markings, hatchings, broken lines or symbols.
- Areas of land which previously formed part of the property but have since been removed are coloured green.
- Orientation indicated by way of a North point.
- Ordnance Survey map reference.
- Title Plans are usually drawn to scale 1:1250.
- The unique Title Number allocated to the property or land.