Land Registry House Deed Searches
Obtain House Deeds, Title Deeds, Conveyancing Deeds, Title Registers, Title Plans and Leases online now.
- Get Title Deeds / House Deeds
- Obtain a Title Register
- Obtain a Title Plan
- Property Ownership
- Establish Boundaries
- Conveyance & Transfer Deeds
- Obtain a Lease Agreement
- Map Search for land enquiries
- Fields, Woodland, Roads etc
- Often referred to as the House Deed
- Detailed ownership information
- Name & address of the owner(s)
- Rights of access & other easements
- Maintenance liabilities
- Restrictive covenants
- Details of mortgages & charges
- Leases, Conveyances & Transfers
- Title Number, tenure and much more . .
- Information on boundaries
- Shows extent/curtilage of ownership
- Outline of surrounding properties
- Maintenance liabilities
- Information on boundary structures
- Rights of access & other easements
- Restrictive covenants
- Coloured markings and T markings
- Title Number, Scale and more . . .
Covering ALL property and land
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